5 Tips for a Clean House (most of the time)

5 Tips for a Clean House (most of the time)

5 Tips for a Clean House (most of the time)

A clean house feels great but it can feel unattainable too. I love to take away the overwhelm when it comes to a clean house. I’m here to tell you that it’s not as difficult as it feels, but the secret to a clean house is consistency and a plan. If the thought of a ‘plan’ is enough for you to exit this blog post, stick with me because I have a plan ready for you. No guesswork, no trying to decide what area of your home needs to be cleaned, a proactive plan that works!

If you’re looking for the HOW to keep a clean house, these 5 tips are going to get you off and running and you can start today. These 5 tips are simple action items that if you do them daily, you’ll find that your home looks and feels clean most of the time.


The first thing that will keep your home clean is having a foundation of things that you do your best to do DAILY. There are 5 Daily Tasks in the Clean Mama Routine – these can happen in any order that works for you, I like to make beds and get a load of laundry started first thing in the morning and the other tasks take place throughout the day. The best thing is that they take just a couple minutes each to complete.

  1. Make Beds – Do this first thing in the morning. Quickly pull up your comforter or quilt, smooth it out and place your pillows. If you have kids, teach them how to make their bed so you don’t have to.
  2. Check Floors – Do a quick check of the floors at some point during the day. This is usually around a meal time in our house. If you see crumbs, dirt, pet hair, or anything else that needs to be picked up, pull out a broom or vacuum and do a quick sweep or vacuum.
  3. Wipe Counters – Wipe counters includes the kitchen and a quick bathroom check/wipe every day (here’s my favorite DIY recipe for Stone Cleaning Spray), wipe kitchen table, the Nightly Sink Scrub routine – find it here). I keep a damp bar mop towel by the stove (on the counter) for wiping up little drips and spills as I cook.
  4. Do a Load of Laundry Daily – I know that this sounds like A LOT but it makes a huge difference in keeping the overwhelm and laundry piles away!  This post describes this more in depth if you’re interested.
  5. Daily Declutter – Doing a little decluttering every single day is a habit that will transform your home. Start by dealing with the mail daily and add a quick declutter session in the evenings by setting a timer for as little as 5-10 minutes to put things away from the day.



SOURCE: Cleanmama.com
PHOTOCREDIT: Cleanmama.com

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